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Subject and Verb Agreement for Grade 6


Mar 9, 2023

Subject and Verb Agreement for Grade 6

Subject and verb agreement are essential components of grammar that help to ensure readability and coherence in written and spoken language. It is critical for students in grade 6 to understand the importance of proper subject-verb agreement to improve their writing and communication skills. In this article, we will discuss what subject and verb agreement entails and provide tips to help grade 6 students master it.

Subject-Verb Agreement

Subject-verb agreement is the relationship between the subject and the verb in a sentence. It is where the verb agrees with the number, person, and tense of the subject. In simpler terms, subjects that are singular need singular verbs, while plural subjects require plural verbs. For example,

– The cat chases the mouse. (singular subject and singular verb)

– The cats chase the mice. (plural subject and plural verb)

The subject and verb agreement helps to maintain the coherence and readability of the sentence. Therefore, it is essential to master this concept to avoid confusion in writing and speaking.

Tips on Mastering Subject-Verb Agreement

Here are some tips to help grade 6 students master subject-verb agreement:

1. Identify the Subject

The first step in identifying subject-verb agreement is to identify the subject of the sentence. The subject is the noun, pronoun, or noun phrase that performs the action or is the focus of the sentence. For example,

– The (subject) boy (verb) runs.

– They (subject) are (verb) playing.

2. Determine the Number of Subject

After identifying the subject, determine whether it is singular or plural. If the subject is singular, it uses a singular verb, and if the subject is plural, it uses a plural verb. For example,

– The (singular subject) cat (singular verb) meows.

– The (plural subject) cats (plural verb) meow.

3. Watch Out for Tricky Subjects

Some subjects can be confusing, leading to errors in subject-verb agreement. For example, words that come between the subject and verb, such as prepositional phrases, do not affect the subject-verb agreement. For example,

– The (subject) boy with his dog (verb) runs.

Other confusing subjects include collective nouns, where a group of people or things is considered a single unit, compound subjects, and indefinite pronouns. For example,

– The (singular collective noun) team (plural verb) are (singular verb) playing well.

– The (compound subject) flowers and leaves (plural verb) are (singular verb) green.

4. Pay Attention to Tense

It is also essential to ensure that the tense of the subject and verb agrees. For example,

– The (present tense subject) cat (present tense verb) meows.

– The (past tense subject) cat (past tense verb) meowed.


Subject-verb agreement is an essential grammar concept that students in grade 6 should master. By identifying the subject, determining the number, and paying attention to tricky subjects and tense, students can improve their writing and communication skills. Mastery of subject-verb agreement is essential for clear and coherent communication.

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